Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Land Before Time

She started talking to me today? Not sure what to make of it? Its been so long. Seemed very nice, as if nothing had happened, maybe thats the way I should be..

Maybe we can still be friends in the end, not like we were but still, what more can I hope for

Watched an old movie from my childhood today. Brought back tears

Friday, August 29, 2008

why worry?

Ah why worry things could be so much worse,

so the girl I loved that broke my heart and left me like I was nothing has got a new guy,
moanings not gonna anything about it? being sads not gonna help,

I need to move on, as I've been told(by my own guardian angel as I sometimes refer to her,) so many times, its just gonna take time, which I have lots off luckily

"Would you kindly?"

OMG! I'm a tool!!! :O

If you get this then I love you :)

Best game ever

a few things running threw my head

Why do other people make life look so easy? Or am I just that bad at it?

Or maybe I see a lot less then I think I do? Or a lot less then I wish I did?

I don't even understand myself, so I havn't got a hope in hell of understanding you? Why fool myself?

Always with the questions? ? ? ? ?

Can I never relax in what I know

or must I always look on to the next question?

Welcome to me

Not sure what to say right away?

Welcome to all who take an interest in my writings, which would suprise me to be honest?

Not sure what i'm doing with my life? Feel lost in the woods so to speak. Another thing to know about me is I think to much, though I am working on quieting my mind if it is at all possible. By the way if you don't like me then please feel free to keep it to yourself. I imagine enough people hating me as it is.

As you can probaly tell i'm not in the best mood, but i'll hide behind a smiling face all the same. Just because i'm sad dosn't mean you should be. I'd rather not spread the sorrow.

Thats all I can think of for the moment, sorry it couldn't be more cheerful. I also apologise too much, I'm just weird in general. Its what I do