Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome to me

Not sure what to say right away?

Welcome to all who take an interest in my writings, which would suprise me to be honest?

Not sure what i'm doing with my life? Feel lost in the woods so to speak. Another thing to know about me is I think to much, though I am working on quieting my mind if it is at all possible. By the way if you don't like me then please feel free to keep it to yourself. I imagine enough people hating me as it is.

As you can probaly tell i'm not in the best mood, but i'll hide behind a smiling face all the same. Just because i'm sad dosn't mean you should be. I'd rather not spread the sorrow.

Thats all I can think of for the moment, sorry it couldn't be more cheerful. I also apologise too much, I'm just weird in general. Its what I do

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