Sunday, September 14, 2008

We will lose

Do we ever really learn from the past?

Or do we just lose a little more of what we once knew,

What we once held to be true, with such certainty

Is there any hope left for a brighter future?

Or are we born with it all, only to lose it,

Either gradually or all at once

Some things are certain...

...we will lose

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Listen to the battle raging

Illegal post time? according to who?

I wonder what society would do should I do nothing? Force me to do something? What if I don't want to be part of your society? Don't want to be part of your world? I probaly don't have a choice do I?

Or not..?

Oh well, the world didn't end, yet...

I wonder what I am to other people? A question I constantly ask myself, but never really answer

So what am I doing? Nothing in particuler and I don't know why?

Wish I had a clue

I wish I could stay more positive,

Wish there were more positive people in the world,

I wish I knew what peoples true intentions were,

Maybe I have trust issues?

Steamed from my parents no doubt..

I want to be the strong one,

because I'm always disappointed when I rely on someone else,

and even as I am some people rely on me, and I fear i'll lead them astray,

hurt them like I have been hurt,

maybe its all just one big cycle

or maybe there is no order to it all

but does it really matter?

I don't know, ask a phycologist

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dooms Day

The world ends tomorrow! repent fools! repent!!

Or so thats what I hear anyway, very few people seem concerned by it? I wonder why? Do they trust the people doing this to be right or do they just not care? meh, why do I care for that matter? If the world does end dosn't really matter to me though, we all die sometime, might as well be tomorrow

Friday, September 5, 2008

Today I did what I always do, waste time

I shared the poem I wrote in a fit of anger and despair with one of my oldest and by far dearest friends(even so its hard to find time to spend together, but thats no different then anyone else now a days). He is always one I can count on for an honest and civalised answer. He understood just what I was trying to say and what i'm going threw, was a lovely debate about it.

Nice to know someone cares at least, and maybe sometime I'll put the poem up here, no promises on a spectaculer piece of work, but it expresses how I feel at this time, and thats what poetry is all about.

The music plays away, hoping it will carry me to a better place...

Like you know

The pain here that I feel, try and tell me its not real..

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


We walk by so many people each day,

I wonder what their thinking?

I wonder if their thinking the same thing?